QWP4019 program

QWP4019 is an IBM-supplied program that you can call to set flags on and off in a printer device description. Setting the flags on enables functions not accessible through the Create Device Description (Printer) (CRTDEVPRT) or Change Device Description (Printer) (CHGDEVPRT) commands. For example, the following tells the iSeries server that PRT01 has a continuous form feed device:


Since the flags are stored in the device description, QWP4019 only needs to be run once for each printer and each function. The flags can be changed only by running QWP4019 or deleting the device description. To make sure the flag is set, it is recommended that the printer writer for that printer be restarted after the QWP4019 program has been called.

The QWP4019 program allows you to take advantage of functions available on an attached printer but not supported by the emulator you are using.

The QWP4019 program was designed to make the 4019 fonts available for the IBM® LaserPrinter 4019 printer using emulation. Additional parameters can be specified to enable functions in the SCS printers. Most of these parameters are only valid for printers considered as a 5219 or 3812.

See the following for more information: