Print a graphic with other output

The command word #$@INCLGRPH allows a user to include a graphic anywhere in the data printed by high-level languages.

To include graphics with other program output, a special control record is used. The format for this control record is:

#$@INCLGRPH filename,x,y,w,l
  1. There must be only one space between the command word and the parameters.
  2. All five parameters must be specified. A default value (the default values are included in the list below) for parameters x, y, w, and l can be obtained by omitting any value. For example, a valid control record with defaults for parameters x, y, and l would look like:
    #$@INCLGRPH filename,,,9.5,
  3. The #$@INCLGRPH control record should be in a print record by itself, because any other data along with it might be considered as parameters.
  4. Parameters should immediately follow one another, separated by commas, using no blanks.
  5. The characters INCLGRPH must be all uppercase.
  6. The #$@INCLGRPH control record must begin in the first column.
  7. The #$@INCLGRPH control word is used with characters from code page 500. For example, in code page 500, @ is hex '7B', $ is hex '5B', and @ is hex '7C'. Other code pages might use other characters in the #$@INCLGRPH control record. You will need to change the characters depending on the code page being used.

The parameters are defined below. Parameters x, y, w, and l define the area on the page where the graphics file will be printed. Parameters x and y define the upper-left corner of the graphics area, and parameters w and l define the size of the graphics area.

The name of the graph object file to be included. If the file has more than one member, the last member is used. The library containing the file must be in your library list.
The distance, in inches, from the left edge of the page to the left edge of the graphics area on the page. The default is 0.
The distance, in inches, from the top of the page to the top edge of the graphics area on the page. The default is 0.
The width of the graphics area, in inches. The default is the width of the current page you are using.
The length of the graphics area, in inches. The default is the length of the current page you are using.

Parameters x, y, w, and l can be specified in decimal form in any combination of xx.xx, where x is any number from 0 through 9. The specified value cannot be more than 45.50 and, if a 0 value is specified, the result is the default value for that parameter.

If there are any errors found in the control record or an error occurs while processing the graphics file, the control record is printed as normal text data. The graphics file to be used must be in a format acceptable to the printer. For IPDS™ devices, this format is level DR/2 of the Graphic Object Content Architecture (GOCA). See the manual Graphic Object Content Architecture , SC31-6804, for more information about GOCA.