IBM remote 5250 emulation program configuration recommendations

See the Remote 5250 Emulation Program User's Guide, G570-2203, for information on configuring printer sessions. For example, use the IBM5204.PDT file and select 5219 Printer emulation for the IBM® 5204 Quickwriter. Configure printers that were not previously supported by the emulation program using the TBLPRT.PDT and selecting 5219 printer emulation.

When the printer session is started, the iSeries server automatically creates the printer device description (if automatic configuration is turned on).

On the iSeries server, use the Change Device Description (Printer) (CHGDEVPRT) command to enable the host print transform.

Maintaining printer customization

Before you do the work of creating a workstation customizing object for a printer, try printing jobs using the host print transform support. You might not have to create a customizing object for the printer due to the extended support provided by the host print transform.

The Remote 5250 Emulation Program supports printers through a printer description table (PDT). If you have customized a printer by changing the supplied PDT, use of the host print transform overrides this customization.

However, if you need to customize your printer while using the host print transform, you should:

  1. Make sure the host print transform is enabled.

    The TRANSFORM parameter value for the printer device description must be *YES.

  2. Make a note of the features you customized in the PDT.
  3. Use a workstation customizing object that is compatible with the host print transform.

    Update the features in this object to reflect the customized features you used in the PDT.

  4. Use the workstation customizing object name that is compatible with the host print transform as the value for the WSCST parameter in the printer device description.

See Workstation Customization Programming Link to PDF for detailed information on customizing printers.