There is no automatic configuration capability for printers attached to the ASCII workstation controller. The Create Device Description (Printer) (CRTDEVPRT) command must be used to create the configuration descriptions. For existing printers, use the Change Device Description (Printer) (CHGDEVPRT) command.
Configure printers not supported by the ASCII workstation controller with these values: device type as 4019, model as Model 1, and emulated printer as 3812. Many of the other parameters depend on the attached printer (line speed, data bits, and so on). To avoid i5/OS parameter checking, specify *YES as the value on the emulating ASCII parameter in the printer device description. For example, this allows a communications line speed of 38 400 bps.
After the host print transform is enabled, the device type and model parameters in the device description have no effect on the data stream sent to the printer. The data stream generated for the printer is based on the MFRTYPMDL parameter in the i5/OS printer device description.
Maintaining printer customization
Before you do the work of creating a workstation customizing object for a printer, try printing jobs using the host print transform support. You might not need to create a customizing object for the printer due to the extended support provided by the host print transform.
The ASCII workstation controller can use a workstation customizing object in the printer device description to define the printer's characteristics. That workstation customizing object can be customized to use the special features of a printer that the ASCII workstation controller does not support.
If the host print transform is enabled, the customizing object specified for the ASCII workstation controller printer device description must be removed or replaced. The customizing objects created for the ASCII workstation controller are not compatible with the host print transform.
However, if you need to customize your printer while using the host print transform, you should:
The TRANSFORM parameter value for the printer device description must be *YES.
Customize the printer features in this object to match the customized features that you initially used in the workstation customizing object specified in the ASCII workstation controller printer device description.
See Workstation Customization
for detailed information on customizing