There is no 3270 emulation pass-through (pipeline) support for 3x74 remote-attached printers. Printing capability is limited to the Logical Unit 1 support. Printer data management and spool support is not provided for printers that use the 3270 Information Display System data-stream capability.
For i5/OS printing applications, the extent of the function is limited to that provided by a 3287 printer, regardless of the type and model of the printer actually attached. This is functionally equivalent to a 5256-003 printer. For example, a 4224 printer, which has all-points-addressable capability, only provides 3287 printer capability when attached to a 3x74 controller. However, if a 3284 printer is attached to the 3x74 controller, it does not provide the 6 or 8 lines per inch (LPI) support of the 3287 printer because it is not equipped with the necessary hardware features.
When using a 3x74 remote-attached printer (for example, a 4224) configured as a 3287 printer, make sure that the page length set on the printer hardware switch matches the length of the forms that are in the printer. If the length of the forms loaded does not match the printer hardware switch setting, the application will still print correctly on the forms. However, when the spooled file completes printing, the 4224 uses the default page size set on the printer hardware switches.
For example, assume your page length set on the printer hardware switches is 11 inches, your actual forms are 3 inches long, the spooled file just completed printing, and you press the Page Eject key to get the last printed form. By pressing the Page Eject key, you can advance the forms 11 inches instead of the 3 inches your form takes up.
DBCS printer considerations
If the spooled file contains double-byte data (IGCDTA(*YES) specified on the printer file), it can be printed on printers attached to a 3x74 controller.
However, the following attributes or DDS keywords are ignored if the target printer is attached to a 3x74 controller:
The IGCSOSI printer file parameter is processed in the i5/OS program and not in the printer being used to print the spooled file.