Call ILE procedures

You can follow the instructions in this topic to prepare and call ILE procedures from your i5/OS™ PASE programs.

When you call ILE procedures from your i5/OS PASE programs, you should first prepare the procedure by enabling it for teraspace, converting text to the appropriate CCSID, and setting up variables and structures.

To call ILE procedures from your i5/OS PASE programs, make the following API calls in your code:
  1. Load the bound program into the ILE activation group that is associated with the procedure that started i5/OS PASE. You use the _ILELOAD() API to do this.

    This step can be unnecessary if the bound program is already active in the activation group that started i5/OS PASE. In this case, you can proceed to the _ILESYM step, using a value of zero for the activation mark parameter to search all symbols in all active bound programs in the current activation group.

  2. Find the exported symbol in the activation of the ILE bound program and return a 16-byte tagged pointer to the data or procedure for the symbol. You use the _ILESYM() API to do this.
  3. Call the ILE procedure to transfer control from your i5/OS PASE program to the ILE procedure. You use the _ILECALL() or _ILECALLX() API to do this.
Related reference
Copy header files
Related information
size_ILEarglist()--Compute ILE Argument List Size for i5/OS PASE()
build_ILEarglist()--Build an ILE Argument List for i5/OS PASE
_ILELOADX()--Load an ILE Bound Program for i5/OS PASE
_ILESYMX()--Find an Exported ILE Symbol for i5/OS PASE
_ILECALLX()--Call an ILE Procedure for i5/OS PASE
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