Startup program to set up system (QSTRUPPGM) system value

The startup program to set up system (QSTRUPPGM) system value is the startup program. The system value of QSTRUPPGM specifies the name of the program that is called from an autostart job when the controlling subsystem is started. This program performs setup functions, such as starting subsystems and printers. This system value can only be changed by the security officer or by someone with security officer authority. A change to this system value takes effect the next time an initial program load (IPL) is performed. QSTRUPPGM can have the values:

The default startup program QSTRUP in library QSYS performs the following actions:

Table 1. Details of the default startup program QSYS/QSTRUP
Type Length Shipped CL value
Character 20 QSTRUP QSYS