Some situations might require you to enter information or change system values during an IPL. This topic provides instructions for performing a manual IPL.
This procedure assumes the iSeries™ server is running, and requires that several additional conditions be met before you begin an initial program load (IPL). Most of these settings are the default values, but you must verify them if you are unsure of the current setting.
If you want to change IPL options, install the operating system, use dedicated service tools, work with logical partitions, or recover from a system failure, you need to perform an attended IPL. This IPL mode requires that you respond to several prompts during the startup sequence.
Enter different options on the command line to perform an attended IPL.
After you begin the attended IPL, the system displays the IPL options display where you can choose which options you want to work with during the IPL. During the IPL, the system displays any options that you selected, or that are required due to system changes.