Use i5/OS™ password system values to control the password values and password restrictions.
To access the password category of system values, select Configuration and Services in iSeries™ Navigator. Then, select System Values.
If you are familiar with the i5/OS character-based interface, you will notice that iSeries Navigator uses descriptive names for the system values. For a quick overview of the password system values available in iSeries Navigator (and their counterparts in the character-based interface), refer to the following table. Follow the links to learn more about each system value.
Name in iSeries Navigator | Description of system value | Name in character-based interface |
Password system values: | ||
Password level | Sets the password level for the system. | QPWDLVL |
Minimum password length | Sets the minimum length for a password. | QPWDMINLEN |
Maximum password length | Sets the maximum length for a password. | QPWDMAXLEN |
Require at least one digit | Sets the passwords used on the system to use at least one digit. | QPWDRQDDGT |
Restrict consecutive digits | Sets the passwords on the system to restrict consecutive digits. | QPWDLMTAJC |
Restricted characters | Specifies the characters to be restricted. | QPWDLMTCHR |
Restrict repeating characters | Specifies whether to restrict repeating characters or not. | QPWDLMTREP |
Require a new character in each position | Sets the passwords on the system to require a new character in each position. | QPWDPOSDIF |
Password reuse cycle | Specifies when a password can be used again. | QPWDRQDDIF |
Password expiration | Specifies when a password expires. | QPWDEXPITV |
Not in iSeries Navigator | Specifies whether a user-written program will do additional validation on passwords or not. | QPWDVLDPGM |