Example: Identify files section of setup.ini

This part of the setup.ini file contains the informations that identifies the files to be installed on the client workstation.

The third portion of the setup file contains sections that identify the files that are to be installed on the client workstation. The section in which a file appears identifies the locations of the source and target for each file. These file sections are used during initial installations or during an upgrade to a new version or release level.

The format for file entries in each file section should be n=file.ext, where n is the number of the file in that section. The numbering must start with one (1) and increment by one (1) until all of the files are listed in the section. For example:

[Base Files]

In all cases, only the file name and plug-in should be specified. Do not specify directory path names. If a file section contains no entries, the section simply is ignored.

Note: The Programmer's Toolkit provides a sample setup file for three different sample plug-ins: C++, Java™, and Visual Basic.
Section in Setup.ini Description
[Base Files] Files that are copied to \PLUGINS\<VENDOR>.<COMPONENT> under the Client Access install directory. Normally, the ActiveX server DLL (and associated code DLLs) for the plug-in reside here.

For C++ and Visual Basic, the ActiveX server DLL (and associated code DLLs) for the plug-in reside here.

For Java, the Code JAR file name will reside here.

[Shared Files] Files that are copied to the Client Access Shared directory.
[System Files] Files that are copied to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM or \WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory.
[Core Files] Files that are copied to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM or \WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory that are use counted in the registry and are never removed. These are typically re-distributable files.
[MRI Files] Files that are copied from the MRI directories of the plug-in on the iSeries™ server to the CLIENT ACCESS\MRI29XX\<VENDOR>.<COMPONENT> directories on the workstation. This typically is where the locale-dependent resources for a plug-in reside. This will include your Resource MRI DLL name.
[Java MRI29xx] (where 29xx is the NLV feature code for the files) Java files that are copied from the MRI29xx directory of the plug-in on the iSeries server to the same directory to which the [Base Files] are installed. This typically is where the JAR MRI29xx resources for the plug-in reside. For each MRI29xx directory supported by the Java plug-in, there needs to be a [Java MRI29xx] section listing those files. This only is used by Java plug-ins.
[Help files] The .HLP and .CNT files that are copied from the MRI directories of the plug-in on the iSeries server to the CLIENT ACCESS\MRI29XX\<VENDOR>.<COMPONENT> directories on the workstation. The directory path to these files is written to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\HELP in the Windows® registry.
[Registry files] The Windows registry file that is associated with the plug-in.
[Dependencies] Defines the sub components that must be installed before the plug-in can be installed. AS400_Client_Access_Express is needed only if the plug-in requires other sub components, besides the iSeries Navigator base support sub component, to be installed.


  • The sub components are specified in a comma-delimited list. A single subcomponent is specified as a single number (AS400_Client_Access_Express=3). The CWBAD.H header file contains a list of constants that are prefixed with CWBAD_COMP_. These constants provide the numeric values that are used in the comma-delimited list for AS400_Client_Access_Express. There are several CWBAD_COMP_ constants that identify PC5250 font sub components. These constants must not be used in the AS400_Client_Access_Express value and are listed below:
//5250 Display and Printer Emulator sub components
            #define CWBAD_COMP_PC5250_BASE_KOREAN      (150)
            #define CWBAD_COMP_PC5250_PDFPDT_KOREAN    (151)
            #define CWBAD_COMP_PC5250_BASE_SIMPCHIN    (152)
            #define CWBAD_COMP_PC5250_PDFPDT_SIMPCHIN  (153)
            #define CWBAD_COMP_PC5250_BASE_TRADCHIN    (154)
            #define CWBAD_COMP_PC5250_PDFPDT_TRADCHIN  (155)
            #define CWBAD_COMP_PC5250_BASE_STANDARD    (156)
            #define CWBAD_COMP_PC5250_PDFPDT_STANDARD  (157)
            #define CWBAD_COMP_PC5250_FONT_ARABIC      (158)
            #define CWBAD_COMP_PC5250_FONT_BALTIC      (159)
            #define CWBAD_COMP_PC5250_FONT_LATIN2      (160)
            #define CWBAD_COMP_PC5250_FONT_CYRILLIC    (161)
            #define CWBAD_COMP_PC5250_FONT_GREEK       (162)
            #define CWBAD_COMP_PC5250_FONT_HEBREW      (163)
            #define CWBAD_COMP_PC5250_FONT_LAO         (164)
            #define CWBAD_COMP_PC5250_FONT_THAI        (165)
            #define CWBAD_COMP_PC5250_FONT_TURKISH     (166)
            #define CWBAD_COMP_PC5250_FONT_VIET        (167)
Note: The AS400_Client_Access_Express value is used if it exists, otherwise, this section is ignored.
[Service Base Files] Files that are copied to \PLUGINS\<VENDOR>.<COMPONENT> under the iSeries Access for Windows install directory.
[Service Shared Files] Files that are copied to the iSeries Access for Windows Shared directory.
[Service System Files] Files that are copied to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM or \WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory.
[Service Core Files] Files that are copied to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM or \WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory. These files are use counted in the registry, are never removed, and are typically re-distributable files.
[Service Registry Files] The Windows registry file that is associated with the plug-in.