Description of IA4PropSheetNotify interface

Like the IA4HierarchyFolder interface, the IA4PropSheetNotify interface describes a set of functions that the independent software vendor will implement. IA4PropSheetNotify is a COM interface IBM® defined to allow third parties to add new property pages to any property sheet that the iSeries™ Navigator defines for an iSeries server user.

The iSeries Navigator program calls the methods on the IA4PropSheetNotify interface whenever it needs to communicate with the third-party plug-in. The purpose of the interface is to provide notification when the main Properties dialog for an iSeries user is closing. The notification indicates whether any changes that are made by the user should be saved or discarded. The intention is that the interface be added to the same implementation class that is used for IPropSheetExt.

The interface implementation is compiled and linked into the ActiveX server DLL for the plug-in. The Navigator learns of the existence of the new DLL by means of entries in the Windows® registry. These entries specify the location of the DLL on the user's personal computer. The Navigator then loads the DLL at the appropriate time, calling methods on the IA4PropSheetNotify interface as needed.

CWBA4HYF.H contains declarations of the interface prototype and associated data structures and return codes.