
Job run-time attributes are contained in the class object that is specified in the (CLS) parameter in the routing entry. If a job consists of multiple routing steps, the class used by each subsequent routing step is specified in the routing entry used to start the routing step. If the class does not exist when the routing entry is added, a library qualifier must be specified because the qualified class name is kept in the subsystem description.

Run-time attributes that are included in a routing entry class are:

Run priority (RUNPTY)
The run priority is a value ranging from 1 (highest priority) through 99 (lowest priority) that represents the priority at which the job competes for the processing unit relative to other jobs that are active at the same time. For multi-threaded jobs, the run priority is also the highest run priority allowed for any thread within the job. Individual threads within the job may have a lower priority.
Time slice (TIMESLICE)
This is the time slice establishes the amount of time needed by a thread in a job to accomplish a meaningful amount of processing. At the end of the time slice, the thread might be put in an inactive state so that other threads can become active in the storage pool.
Default wait time (DFTWAIT)
This specifies the default maximum time (in seconds) that a thread in the job waits for a system instruction, such as the LOCK machine interface (MI) instruction, to acquire a resource. This default wait time is used when a wait time is not otherwise specified for a given situation. Normally, this is the amount of time the system user might be willing to wait for the system before the request is ended. If the wait time for any one instruction is exceeded, an error message can be displayed or it can be automatically handled by a Monitor Message (MONMSG) command.
Maximum CPU time (CPUTIME)
This specifies the maximum processing unit time (in milliseconds) that the job can use. If the job consists of multiple routing steps, each routing step is allowed to use this amount of processing unit time. If the maximum time is exceeded, the job is ended.
Maximum temporary storage (MAXTMPSTG)
This specifies the maximum amount of temporary (auxiliary) storage that the job can use. If the job consists of multiple routing steps, this is the maximum temporary storage that the routing step can use. This temporary storage is used for storage required by the program itself and by implicitly created internal system objects used to support the job. It does not include storage in the QTEMP library. If the maximum temporary storage is exceeded, the job is ended. This parameter does not apply to the use of permanent storage, which is controlled through the user profile.
Maximum threads (MAXTHD)
This specifies the maximum number of threads that a job using this class can run with at any time. If multiple threads are initiated simultaneously, this value may be exceeded. If this maximum value is exceeded, the excess threads will be allowed to run to their normal completion. Initiation of additional threads will be inhibited until the maximum number of threads in the job drops below this maximum value.
Text description (TEXT)
This specifies the text that briefly describes the object. This is an attribute of the class object when it is created, but it is not a run-time attribute for a job.
Authority (AUT)
This specifies the authority you are giving to users who do not have specific authority for the object, who are not on an authorization list, and whose group profile or supplemental group profiles do not have specific authority for the object. This is an attribute of the class object when it is created, but it is not a run-time attribute for a job.
Related concepts
Comparison data
Maximum active routing steps
Memory pool ID