Release a job schedule entry

The Release Job Schedule Entry (RLSJOBSCDE) command allows you to release an entry, all entries, or a set of entries in the job schedule. If you release a job schedule entry, the job is not submitted immediately, even if the date and time at which it was scheduled to be submitted passed while the entry was held. If the scheduled time passed while the entry was held a warning message is sent to indicate that a job or jobs were missed. Then the job is submitted on any future dates for which it is scheduled to be submitted. To release job schedule entries, use the character-based interface.

To release entries, you must have job control (*JOBCTL) special authority; otherwise you can release only those entries that you added.
Command: Release Job Schedule Entry (RLSJOBSCDE)
Example: This example release all job schedule entries that have a hold status.
Related tasks
Add a job schedule entry
Change a job schedule entry
Hold a job schedule entry
Print a list of job scheduled entries
Remove a job schedule entry