Start a prestart job

Prestart jobs typically start at the same time the subsystem is started. You manually start a prestart job when all prestart jobs have been ended by the system due to an error or were never started during subsystem start up due to STRJOBS (*NO) on the prestart job entry. To start a prestart job, use the character-based interface.

Command: Start Prestart Jobs (STRPJ )

The STRPJ command should not be used until the startup of the related subsystem is complete. To make sure that the necessary prestart job successfully starts, code a delay loop with a retry if the STRPJ command fails.

The number of prestart jobs that can be active at the same time is limited by the MAXJOBS attribute on the prestart job entry and by the MAXJOBS attribute for the subsystem. The MAXACT attribute on the communications entry controls the number of program start requests that can be serviced through the communications entry at the same time.
Note: If you specified *NO on the STRJOBS attribute, no prestart jobs start for the prestart job entry when the subsystem starts. Running the STRPJ command does not cause the value of the STRJOBS parameter to change.
Example: This example starts prestart jobs for prestart job entry PJPGM in subsystem SBS1. Subsystem SBS1 must be active when this command is issued. The number of jobs started is the number specified in the INLJOBS value of prestart job entry PJPGM. The subsystem starts program PJPGM in library PJLIB.