
Messages contain the job name, the message type, the date and time it was sent, the action that occurred, and the necessary actions needed to fix a problem. This is useful when you are trying to troubleshoot any problems that might occur on your servers. You can access job logs for server jobs through iSeries™ Navigator. Messages fall into two categories, alertable messages and messages logged in a job log.

Alertable messages - These messages are sent to QSYSOPR because they need immediate action. The message contains the problem, the cause, and the recovery action necessary. For example, the server fails to start or the server ends unexpectedly. Some servers send alertable messages to QSYSOPR. These messages have the Alert Option (ALROPT) defined in the message description. You can use alerts to provide centralized handling of alertable messages.

Messages logged in a job log - These messages are diagnostic in nature, meaning that they are not critical but are alerting the user of some action that was taken. These messages can be system generated as well as user created.

Message logging level

The message logging level determines which messages and what message types should be logged for the job. The following is an explanation of what each level represents.

Level 1 All messages sent to the job's external message queue with a severity greater than or equal to the message severity value. (In iSeries Navigator, the Message severity (0-99) value can be found on the Job Properties - Job Log window. This is a value that you can control.)
Level 2 All messages that meet Level 1 qualifications and any request messages which result in a high level message greater than or equal to the message severity value.
Note: A high-level message is one that is sent to the program message queue of the program that receives the request message. (For example, QCMD is an IBM-supplied request processing program that receives request messages.)
Level 3 All messages that meet Level 1 or Level 2 qualifications and all request messages. Additionally, any commands from CL programs are included if the Log commands from CL programs box is checked (Job Properties - Job Log window).
Note: The Log commands from CL programs box is equivalent to the log attribute of the CL program.
Level 4 All request messages and all messages with a severity greater than or equal to the message logging severity, including trace messages. Additionally, any commands from CL programs are included if the Log commands from CL programs box is checked Job Properties - Job log window).
Note: The Log commands from CL programs box is equivalent to the log attribute of the CL program.
Related tasks
Change the log level of a job