There are many tasks that you can do when managing threads.
View threads running under a specific job
Every active job running on an iSeries™ system has at least one thread
running under it. A thread is an independent unit of work running within a
job that uses the same resources as the job. Because a job depends on the
work done by a thread, it is important to know how to find the threads running
within a specific job.
What you can do with threads
Since threads help jobs process more than one operation at a time
while running, monitoring the threads that are running within a job may be
necessary. This helps you to keep the job running efficiently. You can use iSeries™ Navigator
to find the thread you want to manage.
View thread properties
Threads allow jobs to do more than one thing at a time. If a thread
stops processing, it can stop the job from running. The iSeries™ Navigator
Thread Properties windows allow you to view various thread and thread performance
attributes that can aid in understanding why a thread is not running.
End or delete threads
An initial thread, which is created when the job starts, can never be deleted or ended. However, sometimes it is necessary to end a secondary thread so that a job can continue to run. Be aware of the thread you intend to end because the job it runs within might not be able to complete without that thread's work.