To access information from the CPF1303 message, create a high-level language program.
System Time Char (8)
Message Record Number Bin (4)
Qualified Job Name Char (26)
Entry Type (JB, DP, or SP™) Char (2)
Length of Data Bin (2)
JAJOB through JASPN for JB entries
JAJOB through JABYTE for SP and DP entries
For an example program, refer to the section in the CL Programming book that discusses processing the QHST file for the job completion message.
The CPF1164 message always consists of three records and the CPF1303 message always consists of four records. The information contained in the standard journal prefix fields is not included in this message. All that is needed is information pertaining to the job end, date, and time. This information can be found in record 1 of the CPF1303 message.