I/O error for job requester device

A requester device is a workstation from which a user can log on to a domain and use network resources. The Device Recovery Action (DEVRCYACN) job attribute specifies what action to take when an I/O error occurs for a job’s requester device.

The DEVRCYACN attribute has the following options:
This is the default. It points to the Action to take when a device error occurs on the workstation (QDEVRCYACN) system value . The system value will support all of the values that the job attribute supports (except *SYSVAL).
Signals the I/O error message and lets the application program perform error recovery. This is NOT the recommended setting.
Disconnect the job. This is the shipped default. Upon connecting again, a new error message signals the user’s application program indicating the device was lost and recovered since the I/O, and the contents of the display need to be shown again.
Disconnect the job. Upon connecting again, an end request function is performed to return control of the job to the last request level.
End the job. A job log might be produced for the job. A message is sent to the job log and to the QHST log indicating the job ended because of the device error.
End the job. No job log is produced. A message is sent to the QHST log indicating the job ended because of the device error.
Note: If *DSCENDRQS, *ENDJOB, or *ENDJOBNOLIST is specified for DEVRCYACN, the recovery action takes effect when the error occurs on the device. If one of the other values is specified, the recovery action takes place at the next I/O to the device with the error.
Related concepts
How an interactive job starts
Disconnect interactive jobs
Interactive jobs and routing steps
Programs that control the routing step
Workstation versus user based routing
When jobs end at the same time