Create a job description

Use the character-based interface and the Work With Job Description (WRKJOBD) command or the Create Job Description (CRTJOBD) command to create job descriptions.

Command: Create Job Description (CRTJOBD)
Example: In this example, a job description is created named INT4 in the user's current library. This job description is for interactive jobs and is used by Department 127. When you sign on, you must type your password. The characters QCMDI are used as routing data that is compared with the routing table of the subsystem where the job is run. All inquiry messages are compared to the entries in the system reply list to determine whether a reply is issued automatically.
          TEXT('Interactive #4 JOBD for Department 127')
This command creates a job description named BATCH3 in the user's current library. The jobs using this description are placed on the job queue NIGHTQ. The priority for jobs using this description and their spooled output is 4. QCMDB is the routing data that is compared with entries in the routing table of the subsystem where the job runs. The accounting code of NIGHTQ012345 is used when recording accounting statistics for jobs that use this job description.
          TEXT('Batch #3 JOBD for high priority night work')
Note: The values in the job description are typically used as the default values of the corresponding parameters in the Batch Job (BCHJOB) and Submit Job (SBMJOB) commands when their parameters are not specified. The values in the job description can be overridden by the values specified on the BCHJOB and SBMJOB commands
Related concepts
Job description