When you create or change a journal, you can specify where the system sends messages that are associated with the journal. In addition, you can create a program to monitor this message queue and handle any messages associated with the journal. The system also sends messages that are related to the remote journal function to this message queue.
A common use for this message queue is to handle threshold messages. When you create a journal receiver, you can specify a storage threshold. If you choose to change journal receivers yourself, you can specify where the system sends messages when the journal receiver exceeds its storage threshold. You can create a special message queue for this purpose and create a program to monitor the message queue for message CPF7099. When the message is received, the program can, for example, detach the receiver and save it.
If you specify that the system manages the journal receiver, the system does not send a threshold message. Instead, when the system automatically changes the journal receiver, it sends message CPF7020, which indicates that it successfully detached the journal receiver.
There are other messages which are sent to this journal message queue related to processing for the Delete Receiver (DLTRCV) option of the Create Journal (CRTJRN) command. See Delete journal receivers for more information.
For iSeries™ Navigator, you select the message queue in the Advanced Journal Attributes or Journal Properties dialogs. For the character-based interface, you can select the message queue with the Create Journal (CRTJRN) or Change Journal (CHGJRN) command.
See Threshold (disk space) for journal receivers for information about storage threshold. See Manual versus system journal-receiver management for methods to specify journal receiver management.