Delete journals

Each journal on the system causes additional time and resource to be used when you restart the system or vary on an independent disk pool after an abnormal end. If you no longer need a journal, you can delete it.

The system does not allow you to delete a journal if any of the following conditions exist:

If you no longer need a journal and its associated receivers, perform the following steps:

  1. Use the Work with Journal Attributes (WRKJRNA) command to determine the following:
    • Which objects are being journaled to this journal.
    • Whether or not commitment control is active and the journal is associated with it.
  2. If commitment control is active and the journal is associated with it, end commitment control with the End Commitment Control (ENDCMTCTL) command.
  3. End journaling for all objects associated with the journal.
  4. If any commitment definitions are active that use this journal as the default journal, use the ENDJOB command to end the jobs that are using the commitment definitions. This includes commitment control that is started because of a referential constraint.
  5. If any remote journals have a journal state of *ACTIVE, inactivate them. See Inactivate the replication of journal entries to a remote journal for more information.
  6. Delete the journal by doing the following:
    1. In the iSeries™ Navigator window, expand the system you want to use.
    2. Expand Databases.
    3. Expand the database that you want to work with and Schemas.
    4. Click the schema you want to work with.
    5. Right-click the journal you want to delete and click Delete.
    6. At the Confirm Object Deletion dialog click Delete.
  7. Delete the journal receiver.

You can also use the Delete Journal (DLTJRN) command to delete the journal and the Delete Journal Receiver (DLTJRNRCV) command to delete the journal receiver.

Related tasks
End journaling
Inactivate the replication of journal entries to a remote journal
Delete journal receivers
Related reference
Delete Journal (DLTJRN) command
Delete Journal Receiver (DLTJRNRCV) command