The EIM Configuration wizard helps you create a basic EIM configuration
and also opens the Network Authentication Service wizard to allow you to create
a basic network authentication service configuration.
Note: Instructions in
this scenario are based on the assumption that the directory server has not
been previously configured on iSeries™ A. However, if you already configured
the directory server, you can still use these instructions with only slight
differences. These differences are noted in the appropriate places within
the configuration steps.
Use the information from your work sheets to
configure EIM and network authentication service on iSeries A. When you complete this step,
you accomplish the following:
- Create a new EIM domain.
- Configure the directory server on iSeries A to be the EIM domain controller.
- Configure network authentication service.
- Create EIM registry definitions for the i5/OS™ registry and the Kerberos registry
on iSeries A.
- Configure iSeries A
to participate in the EIM domain.