The ksetup command manages
Kerberos service entries in the LDAP server directory. The following subcommands
are supported:
- addhost host-name realm-name
- This subcommand adds a host entry for the specified realm. The fully qualified
host name should be used so that it resolves correctly no matter what default
DNS domain is in effect on the Kerberos clients. If no realm name is specified,
the default realm name is used.
- addkdc host-name:port-number realm-name
- This subcommand adds an entry in the Kerberos server for the specified
realm. If a host entry does not already exist, one is created. If a port number
is not specified, it is set to 88 . Use the fully qualified host name so that
it resolves correctly no matter what default DNS domain is in effect on the
Kerberos clients. If no realm name is specified, the default realm name is
- delhost host-name realm-name
- This subcommand deletes a host entry and any associated specification
for the Kerberos server from the specified realm. If no realm name is specified,
the default realm name is used.
- delkdc host-name realm-name
- This subcommand deletes an entry in the Kerberos server for the specified
host. The host entry itself is not deleted. If no realm name is specified,
the default realm name is used.
- listhost realm-name
- This subcommand lists the entries in the Kerberos server for a realm.
If no realm name is specified, the default realm name is used.
- exit
- This subcommand ends the ksetup command.
iSeries™ supports LDAP clients in the
character-based interface, but not in i5/OS™ PASE.

To add the host, kdc1.myco.com, to the
server, ldapserv.myco.com, as the Kerberos server for realm MYCO.COM, using
an Directory Services (LDAP) administrator ID of Administrator and a password
of verysecret, complete the following steps:
On a Qshell command line,
enter: ksetup -h ldapserv.myco.com -n CN=Administrator -p verysecret
- On an i5/OS control
language (CL) command line, enter:
call qsys/qkrbksetup parm('-h' 'ldapserv.myco.com'
'-n' 'CN=Administrator' '-p' 'verysecret')
- When the Directory Services (LDAP) server is successfully contacted, a
subcommand prompt is displayed. Enter
addkdc kdc1.myco.com MYCO.COM
See the ksetup usage notes on this Qshell command for specifics
on its usage and restrictions.