Troubleshoot Kerberos server in i5/OS PASE

Troubleshoot Kerberos server in i5/OS™ PASE by accessing status and informational log files.

During configuration of a Kerberos server in i5/OS PASE, the authentication server and the administration server are created. These servers write status and informational messages to a log file located in the /var/krb5/log directory. This log file, krb5kdc.log contains messages that can help the administrator troubleshoot problems with configuration and authentication requests.
Access Kerberos server log files in i5/OS PASE On the iSeries™ server that you have the Kerberos server configured in i5/OS PASE, complete these steps:
  1. At a character-based interface, type QP2TERM. This command opens an interactive shell environment that allows you to work with i5/OS PASE applications.
  2. At the command line, type cd /var/krb5/log.
  3. At the command line, type cat /krb5kdc.log. This will open the krb5kdc.log file that contains error messages for the i5/OS PASE KDC.

Example krb5kdc.log file

The following sample log contains several messages
AS_REQ (3 etypes {16 3 1}) NEEDED_PREAUTH: 
jday@ISERIESA.MYCO.COM for kadmin/changepw@ISERIESA.MYCO.COM, 
Additional pre-authentication required

Apr 30 14:18:08 /usr/krb5/sbin/krb5kdc[334](info): 
AS_REQ (3 etypes {16 3 1}) ISSUE: authtime 1051730288, 
etypes {rep=16 tkt=16 ses=16}, jday@ISERIESA.MYCO.COM for 

Apr 30 14:18:56 /usr/krb5/sbin/krb5kdc[334](Notice):
AS_REQ (3 etypes {16 3 1}) NEEDED_PREAUTH: 
jday@ISERIESA.MYCO.COM for kadmin/changepw@ISERIESA.MYCO.COM, 
Additional pre-authentication required 

Apr 30 14:18:56 /usr/krb5/sbin/krb5kdc[334](info): 
DISPATCH: replay found and re-transmitted