Use this record-level keyword to begin a logical grouping of pages.
Page Groups can be used for indexing and retrieving information in a document by online viewing products such as Advanced Function Printing™ and Content Manager OnDemand.
Pages separated with the STRPAGGRP and ENDPAGGRP DDS keywords can be indexed with the Attribute Name and Attribute Value parameters of the DOCIDXTAG keyword.
The format of the keyword is:
STRPAGGRP(group-name | &group-name)
The group-name parameter is required and defines the name of the group to be started. The group name should be unique within a document. The maximum number of characters in the group name is 250. Blanks are allowed as part of the group name.
When you specify the group-name parameter as a program-to-system field, the field must exist in the same record format as the STRPAGGRP keyword. It must be defined as length of 1 -250, type A (character), and usage P (program-to-system).
This keyword is valid with DEVTYPE(*AFPDS). If DEVTYPE is changed to anything other than *AFPDS, the keyword will be ignored and a warning message will be issued at print time.
Option indicators are valid for this keyword.
The following example shows how to specify the STRPAGGRP keyword.
|...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+.... A A R RECORD1 A 02 STRPAGGRP('ACCOUNT NUMBER') A R RECORD2 STRPAGGRP(&GROUP) A GROUP 50A P A
In the example, RECORD1 starts a group named 'ACCOUNT NUMBER'. RECORD2 allows the application program to specify the name of group by setting program variable GROUP.