LPI (Lines Per Inch) keyword in printer files

Use this record-level keyword to change lines per inch within a file.

If you do not specify LPI for a record, the LPI value is set from the LPI value on the CRTPRTF, CHGPRTF, or OVRPRTF command.

The format of the keyword is:
LPI( 4 | 6 | 8 | 9 | 12)

4, 6, 8, 9, and 12 are the valid parameter values.

When you use multiple LPI per page, all skip-to line numbers (on SKIPB, SKIPA) become absolute positions (fixed locations on the paper). For example, if the page length is 66 lines and the file LPI value is 6, then the forms are 11.0 inches long. If you indicate that it should skip to line number 48, it skips down 8 inches on the page and prints. If, in this example, you print 24 lines at 6 LPI (4 inches) and then print 24 lines at 8 LPI (3 inches), the 48th line is 7 inches down on the page.

In both of these examples, 48 lines are processed. If a SKIPB(55) keyword is used, the first example skips to line 55, based on 6 LPI (55/6 inch down the page). In the second example, a page eject occurs and printing starts on line 55, based on 8 LPI (55/8 inch down the page). A page eject occurs in the second example because 7 inches was printed down on the page. A skip to line 55, based on 8 LPI, is less than 7 inches. Therefore, to print on line 55, the current page must be ejected.

Data is processed in a sequential fashion based on location, not on line number. If you use a skip-to to go to a line number that is a location above the current location (even though the line number is greater than the current line number), a page eject occurs. Printing continues on the next page.

When using multiple LPI per page, all spacing (SPACEA and SPACEB) is done relative to the current position. For example, if you print 24 lines at 6 LPI (4 inches), and then print 24 lines at 8 LPI (3 inches), the 48th line is 7 inches down on the page. If you then do a SPACEA(4) (LPI is still 8 LPI), you will space down 1/2 inch from the last line and be a total of 7.5 inches down on the page. It is recommended that you use SPACEA and SPACEB keywords when you use the LPI keyword.

The LPI, SKIP, and SPACE keywords are processed in the following order:


Thus, the SPACE and SKIP keywords use the new LPI value. The LPI for the next and the following lines print at the LPI value specified on the LPI parameter. This parameter value remains in effect until the next record format processes. At the end of the record format, the LPI value changes back to the file level.

The LPI takes effect only on a line boundary. If you change the LPI within a line, the new value takes effect at the end of the line and no diagnostic appears.

You cannot specify this keyword on the same record format with BLKFOLD, CPI, or DFNCHR. If you use any of these keywords with LPI, the file is not created.

This keyword is valid for IPDS™ printers and printers capable of Advanced Function Printing™ support. A warning message is issued when you specify the LPI keyword in a file created with DEVTYPE(*SCS).

The overflow line number (OVRFLW parameter on the CRTPRTF command) is not converted to an absolute position (in inches) based on the file-level LPI value. The overflow condition signals when the overflow position (in inches) is reached.

Example: Page length = 66, LPI = 6, OVRFLW = 60 (10 inches).

After line 52 processes, the overflow condition is signaled.

Option indicators are not valid for this keyword.


The following example shows how to specify the LPI keyword.

     A          R RECORD1                   LPI(6)
     A                                      SPACEB(6)

Regardless of the LPI you specify on the CRTPRTF, CHGPRTF, or OVRPRTF command, the printer device spaces down one inch before it prints the next line.