BLKFOLD (Blank Fold) keyword in printer files

Use this field-level keyword for named fields that overflow onto subsequent print lines, to cause folding to occur at a blank rather than at the end of a line. If the blank fold keyword is not specified, the line folds at the end of the physical print line.

This keyword has no parameters.

BLKFOLD has effect only if you specify FOLD(*YES) on the CRTPRTF, CHGPRTF, or OVRPRTF command. If you specify FOLD(*NO), BLKFOLD has no effect until a CHGPRTF or OVRPRTF command with FOLD(*YES) is issued.

When you use BLKFOLD, the field length is not increased; therefore, a portion of the output data might be truncated.

You cannot specify BLKFOLD on a floating-point field (F in position 35).

Use BLKFOLD only with SCS printers. A warning message results at create time if BLKFOLD is specified in a file created with DEVTYPE(*IPDS) or DEVTYPE(*AFPDS). You cannot specify BLKFOLD on the same record format with IPDS™ printer keywords or keywords that support Advanced Function Printing™ (AFP™). If any format in the file contains a combination of SCS and IPDS printer keywords or AFP-support keywords, the file is not created.

Option indicators are not valid for this keyword. However, option indicators can be used to condition the field (whether named or constant) associated with this keyword.


The following example shows how to specify the BLKFOLD keyword.

00010A            FIELD1       180A    10 20BLKFOLD