Use this field- or record-level keyword with the PUTOVR keyword to override the existing display attributes of a field or record already on the display.
The OVRATR keyword can be used with the OVRDTA keyword on the same field or record.
When OVRATR is specified at both the record and field level, the field level specification is used for that field.
the Application
Display Programming book for information about how to use OVRATR in files that are used in
the System/36™ environment.
This keyword has no parameters.
DSPATR (all except OID and SP)
When the OVRDTA keyword is in effect, the display attribute can also be overridden on the same output operation (as if the OVRATR keyword were also in effect).
Option indicators are valid for this keyword.
For a discussion and example of how to use the OVRATR keyword, see the PUTOVR (Put with Explicit Override) keyword for display files topic.