Use this field-level keyword to specify one or more display attributes for the field that you are defining.
You can specify the DSPATR keyword more than once for the same field, and you can specify more than one attribute for the same keyword. However, each attribute (for example, UL), can be specified only once per field.
The format for the keyword is
DSPATR(attribute-1 [attribute-2 [attribute-3 [...]]]) or DSPATR(&program-to-system-field);
If you specify more than one attribute for the same field, whether in one keyword or in separate keywords, each attribute that is specified (and in effect when the field is displayed) affects the field. For example, if you want a field to be displayed with its image reversed and with high intensity, specify either DSPATR (RI HI), or DSPATR(RI), and DSPATR(HI).
The program-to-system-field parameter is required and specifies that the named field must be defined in the record format, alphanumeric (A in position 35), length of one, and usage P (P in position 38). The program uses this P-field to set the display attribute for the field this DSPATR keyword applies to.
The name P-field is used for multiple fields with the record being defined. One DSPATR P-field is allowed per field. The P-field contains the display attribute and identifies whether the field should be protected. See Valid P-field values in this topic.
The following list shows valid attributes for the first format of the DSPATR keyword:
Option indicators are valid for this keyword, except when the attributes OID or SP are the only display attributes specified.
Detailed descriptions of each of the attributes follow the coding example and sample display are provided in the following figure.
The following list shows attributes for all fields:
The following list shows attributes for input-capable fields:
Use this attribute to specify that the i5/OS operating system is to allow magnetic stripe reader OID data to be entered into this field. If it is to be a nondisplay field also, the DSPATR(ND) attribute must be specified.
A field with the DSPATR(OID) keyword functions like any other input-capable field; data can be entered from either the keyboard or the magnetic stripe reader. The DSPATR(OID) keyword can be specified (but is not required) to indicate that data can be entered using a magnetic stripe reader. You can key into the field unless the keyboard shift Inhibit Keyboard Entry (I) is specified. If both DSPATR(OID) and DSPATR(SP) are specified on the same field, DSPATR(SP) is ignored.
Use this attribute to specify that this input-capable field can be selected by a light pen. The workstation user can key into a light pen field unless an I (Inhibit Keyboard Entry) has been specified in position 35 (Data Type/Keyboard Shift) for the field.
When the field is first displayed, the contents of the field are set by your program (input/output field) or in the DDS (input-only field with DFT keyword or character string). If no new data is typed in by the workstation user, this output data is returned to your program on an input operation.
This attribute is useful only for workstations with a light pen feature for selecting.
The DSPATR P-field does not support the following display attributes:
Hex | Limited color | Full color |
20 | Normal | Green |
21 | Reverse image | Green, reverse image |
22 | High intensity | White |
23 | High intensity, reverse image | White, reverse image |
24 | Underscore | Green, underscore |
25 | Underscore, reverse image | Green, underscore, reverse image |
26 | Underscore, high intensity | White, underscore |
27 | Nondisplay | Nondisplay |
28 | Blink | Red |
29 | Blink, reverse image | Red, reverse image |
2A | Blink, high intensity | Red, high intensity |
2B | Blink, high intensity, reverse image | Red, high intensity, reverse image |
2C | Blink, underscore | Red, underscore |
2D | Blink, underscore, reverse image | Red, underscore, reverse image |
2E | Blink, underscore, high intensity | Red, underscore, blink |
2F | Nondisplay | Nondisplay |
30 | Column separator | Turquoise, column separator |
31 | Reverse image, column separator | Turquoise, column separator, reverse image |
32 | High intensity, column separator | Yellow, column separator |
33 | High intensity, reverse image, column separator | White, reverse image, column separator |
34 | Underscore, column separator | Turquoise, underscore, column separator |
35 | Underscore, reverse image, column separator | Turquoise, underscore, reverse image, column separator |
36 | Underscore, high intensity, column separator | Yellow, underscore, column separator |
37 | Nondisplay | Nondisplay |
38 | Blink, column separator | Pink |
39 | Blink, reverse image, column separator | Pink, reverse image |
3A | Blink, high intensity, column separator | Blue |
3B | Blink, high intensity, reverse image, column separator | Blue, reverse image |
3C | Blink, underscore, column separator | Pink, underscore |
3D | Blink, underscore, reverse image, column separator | Pink, underscore, reverse image |
3E | Blink, underscore, high intensity, column separator | Blue, underscore |
3F | Nondisplay | Nondisplay |
Hex | Limited color | Full color |
A0 | Normal | Green |
A1 | Reverse image | Green, reverse image |
A2 | High intensity | White |
A3 | High intensity, reverse image | White, reverse image |
A4 | Underscore | Green, underscore |
A5 | Underscore, reverse image | Green, underscore, reverse image |
A6 | Underscore, high intensity | White, underscore |
A7 | Nondisplay | Nondisplay |
A8 | Blink | Red |
A9 | Blink, reverse image | Red, reverse image |
AA | Blink, high intensity | Red, high intensity |
AB | Blink, high intensity, reverse image | Red, high intensity, reverse image |
AC | Blink, underscore | Red, underscore |
AD | Blink, underscore, reverse image | Red, underscore, reverse image |
AE | Blink, underscore, high intensity | Red, underscore, blink |
AF | Nondisplay | Nondisplay |
B0 | Column separator | Turquoise, column separator |
B1 | Reverse image, column separator | Turquoise, column separator, reverse image |
B2 | High intensity, column separator | Yellow, column separator |
B3 | High intensity, reverse image, column separator | White, reverse image, column separator |
B4 | Underscore, column separator | Turquoise, underscore, column separator |
B5 | Underscore, reverse image, column separator | Turquoise, underscore, reverse image, column separator |
B6 | Underscore, high intensity, column separator | Yellow, underscore, column separator |
B7 | Nondisplay | Nondisplay |
B8 | Blink, column separator | Pink |
B9 | Blink, reverse image, column separator | Pink, reverse image |
BA | Blink, high intensity, column separator | Blue |
BB | Blink, high intensity, reverse image, column separator | Blue, reverse image |
BC | Blink, underscore, column separator | Pink, underscore |
BD | Blink, underscore, reverse image, column separator | Pink, underscore, reverse image |
BE | Blink, underscore, high intensity, column separator | Blue, underscore |
BF | Nondisplay | Nondisplay |
The following example shows how to specify the DSPATR(SP) keyword with an input-only field (showing the recommended data contents as a character string).
|...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 00110A SPFLD 50I I 5 4'? * OPTION 1' 00120A DSPATR(SP) A
No data can be typed into field SPFLD. When the field is selected with the light pen, the data returned in field SPFLD will be: >_*_OPTION_1, where _ represents a blank.
The following example shows that when the workstation user selects a field with the light pen, both the MDT bit and the first character of that field are changed. When the field is selected, the MDT bit is set on, changing the first character of the field to >. If the same field is selected again, the MDT bit is set off and the first character becomes ?.
By specifying a switch character, your program prevents the first character of data from being changed to > or ? when the field is selected by the light pen. If the MDT bit is on when your program sends an input operation to the record format, the contents of the field are returned to your program as a user-changed field.
If you use DSPATR(MDT) to set on the MDT of a field that can be selected by the light pen, then you should either omit the MDTOFF keyword from other record formats or you should read that field before displaying any record format with MDTOFF in effect.
|...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 00010A R LIGHTPEN 00020A FLD1 10 I 5 2'> * $12.50' 00030A DSPATR(SP MDT) 00040A* 00050A R RCD2 OVERLAY MDTOFF 00060A FLD1 10 B 11 2 A
If the program displays LIGHTPEN, then displays RCD2, then reads LIGHTPEN, and the workstation user does not select FLD1 with the light pen, the MDT of FLD1 is turned off by the display of RCD2.
Also, the switch character of FLD1 is returned as ?, even though the field was not selected, and the switch character appears as >. The MDT and the switch character are in opposing states.
The following example shows how to specify the DSPATR keyword with P-field usage:
|...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 A R RECORD A FLD1 5A 2 6DSPATR(&PFLD1) A FLD2 5A 2 6DSPATR(&PFLD2) A PFLD1 1A P A PFLD2 1A P A