Use this record-level keyword to specify that the i5/OS™ operating system is to clear (delete) a specific number of lines before the record is displayed. Only those lines are cleared.
the Application
Display Programming book for information about how to use CLRL in files that are used in the System/36™ environment.
The format of the keyword is:
You can specify the CLRL keyword in one of the following ways:
When a record format begins with a field in position 1, the beginning attribute byte of the format is in the last position of the previous line. The previous line number is the starting line number in the format. This also applies to a SLNO format with a field defined in the DDS in line 1, position 1.
If the record format for which the CLRL keyword is specified has one or more input-capable fields, any records that are overlaid are no longer recognized by the i5/OS operating system. That is, any input-capable fields can no longer be typed into, any input operation written to one of those records results in an error, and they cannot be cleared by selecting the ERASE keyword.
If you specify the CLRL(nn) keyword in a record format without input-capable fields, the input-capable fields in the overlapped records remain input-capable. That is, input-capable fields in the overlaid records remain input-capable, and input operations written to those record formats are still valid. If the ROLLUP or ROLLDOWN keywords are specified on the record containing the CLRL keyword, they are ignored. Records with the CLRL keyword and no input-capable fields are not cleared properly when they are overlaid by other records that have the OVERLAY keyword specified. The lines needed for the overlapping record are cleared and the lines not needed for the overlapping record remain on the display.
You can use the CLRL(*NO) keyword to prevent an overlapped record from being cleared when the overlapping record is written to the display. If you use this keyword, any records being displayed that are to be overlapped are not cleared from the display. The new record overlays them entirely or partially. There is a performance advantage to using CLRL(*NO) if you have a display containing constants and data that is repeatedly sent to the display. Sending constants as a separate format and using the CLRL(*NO) keyword for the format containing the data reduces the time required to send the record format to the display.
If the CLRL keyword is not specified and neither OVERLAY nor PUTOVR (Put with Explicit Override) is specified, the entire display is cleared.
If the CLRL keyword is used and the PUTOVR or PUTRETAIN keyword is in effect, the clearing of any lines might conflict with the PUTOVR or PUTRETAIN function. The PUTOVR or PUTRETAIN keyword requires that the fields being overridden be on the display, while the CLRL(nn) or CLRL(*END) keyword clears those fields first. If a record becomes unavailable for input because of the CLRL(nn) or CLRL(*END) keyword, the input-capable fields remain input-capable if the PUTOVR keyword is in effect. However, the i5/OS operating system sends a message if the program attempts to read such a record.
If you specify the CLRL keyword, you should also specify RSTDSP(*YES) on the Create Display File (CRTDSPF) or Change Display File (CHGDSPF) command. Otherwise, data on the display can be lost if the file is suspended.
The CLRL keyword cannot be specified with any of the following keywords:
A warning message appears at file creation time if the CLRL keyword is specified on a record with the DSPMOD keyword. At run time, the CLRL keyword is ignored when the display mode changes.
The CLRL keyword cannot be specified for the record format specified by the PASSRCD keyword.
Option indicators are not valid for this keyword.
The following example shows how to specify the CLRL keyword.
|...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 00010A R RECORD1 CLRL(5) 00020A FLD1 5 3 2 00030A FLD2 10 OB 5 2 00040A FLD3 10 I 6 2 00050A* 00060A R RECORD2 CLRL(*NO) 00070A FLD1 5 2 2 2 00080A FLD2 5 H 00090A FLD3 10 I 4 2 00100A* 00110A R RECORD3 CLRL(*END) 00120A FLD1 5 B 5 2 00130A FLD2 5 I 8 2 A
Lines 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are cleared before RECORD1 is displayed. In RECORD2, no lines are cleared, and when the record is displayed, it will overlay anything already displayed. Lines 5 through 24 are cleared before RECORD3 is displayed.