Use this record-level keyword to allow your program to page through data in a window on the display when displaying the record format you are defining.
The window consists of display lines between and including a start line and end line defined in your program. The number of lines to be paged through and the direction in which to page through them are defined in your program.
This keyword has no parameters.
When your program sends an output operation to this record format, the i5/OS™ operating system pages through data already in the window up or down the display and then displays the record format. Data paged past the start line or end line is lost. After you page through, your program cannot send an input operation to record formats that were either partially or completely within the window before the page.
To use the ALWROL function in COBOL, use the WRITE ROLLING statement.
The ALWROL keyword does not allow the display station user to page through data; it only allows your program to page through data on the display. To allow paging of data by the display station user, specify the ROLLUP and ROLLDOWN keywords or specify a subfile with subfile page not equal to subfile size.
To prevent deleting paging records, specify the OVERLAY keyword or the CLRL (Clear Line) keyword with the ALWROL keyword.
Do not specify the PUTRETAIN keyword at the field level when you also specify the ALWROL keyword. If you do so, the i5/OS operating system sends message CPF5014 when your program sends an output operation regardless of your selection of PUTRETAIN.
PUTRETAIN (at the record-level)
Your program cannot at the same time select one of these keywords and send an output operation that attempts to use the ALWROL function (the i5/OS operating system sends CPF5014).
A warning message appears at file creation time if the ALWROL keyword is specified on a record with the DSPMOD keyword. At runtime, the ALWROL keyword is ignored when the display mode changes.
The ALWROL keyword cannot be specified for the record format specified by the PASSRCD keyword.
Option indicators are not valid for this keyword.
The following example shows how to specify the ALWROL keyword.
|...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 00010A 1 R RECORD1 ALWROL OVERLAY 2 00020A FLDA 79 I 23 2CHECK(LC) 00030A 44 3 ERRMSG('Record not found' 44) A