You use these positions to specify the decimal placement within a zoned decimal field and also to specify the data type of the field as it appears in your program.
If you leave these positions blank, the i5/OS™ operating system assigns a data type of character for the field. If you type in a number in these positions, the i5/OS operating system assigns a data type of zoned decimal for the field. The number you specify is the number of positions to the right of the decimal point. The entry must be less than or equal to the field length, with a maximum of 63 positions.
If you are using a referenced field, you can override or change these positions. Specify the new value to override decimal positions. To change decimal positions, specify the amount you want the field increased or decreased and precede that number with either a plus (+) or minus (-) sign. For example, an entry of +4 indicates four more digits to the right of the decimal point than in the referenced field.
The Data type and keyboard shift coding example in the Date (L), Time (T), and Timestamp (Z) topic shows how to specify the decimal positions field.