Type DSPLIND description_name (where description_name is
the name of the description to be displayed) and press Enter.
Locate the Local adapter address field to view the address
of the adapter.
Press F3 (Exit).
View the pre-set address
Locate a line description that uses the IOA. This description must
specify *ADPT in the Adapter address field.
If you cannot find such a line description, create it, and then return here
to continue the steps.
Use the Work with Configuration Status (WRKCFGSTS) command
to vary on the line description:
Type WRKCFGSTS *LIN and press Enter.
Locate your line description and look for a status of varied
on or active.
If it is varied on or active, press F3 (Exit)
and skip to step 3
If it is not varied on or active, place your cursor on the Opt field
of the line description, type 1 (Vary on), and press Enter.
If your line description does not vary on, place your cursor
on the error message and press F1 (Help) to view more
information about the error. If you need help to understand the error message
or to resolve it, see iSeries™ troubleshooting.
Press F3 (Exit).
Type DSPLIND description_name (where description_name is
the name of your line description), and press Enter.
Locate the Local adapter address field to view the preset
address of the adapter.