Supported token-ring functions

Your server supports a range of token-ring technologies that support speeds of 4 Mbps, 16 Mbps, and 100 Mbps.

These technologies support the IEEE 802.5 standard. The 100 Mbps token-ring input/output adapter (IOA) supports the High-Speed Token-Ring IEEE 802.5 standard that specifies 100 Mbps operation.

The 100 Mbps token ring IOA:

Your system can use the PCI 100/16/4 MB Token-Ring Adapter to support faster networking. The IOA supports many protocols including TCP/IP and Systems Network Architecture (SNA). It is compatible with earlier devices, but does not support token-pipes or multilink. The adapter is also known as the 2744 IOA. The IOA introduces these new functions:

Early token release:

Only 16 Mbps rings that use half-duplex mode can use the early token release function. This function reduces the time the next device on the same ring waits for a free token. Early token release enables the transmitting device to release the free token right after sending a frame. Thus, the next device receives the free token sooner and can thereby transmit a frame. This function is beneficial only in rings where the time to transmit a frame is shorter than the travel time of the frame. That is, the time for the frame to travel completely around the ring.