Switching from one console type to another when the current console is not operational

If you develop a problem with the current console, you may be able to use one of the following methods to change the console mode.

Using the same configuration example above (LAN to direct) and assuming all hardware and configurations have been done, you would disconnect the existing console (LAN-connected); use the console service functions (65+21), native macro, or SST from another workstation to set the console mode to a 2 for directly attached consoles, then connect the local console directly attached. However, if you used the native macro or SST from another workstation, you may also have to activate the asynchronous communications adapter. Using the console service functions (65+21) or native macro OPSCONSOLE RESTART automatically activates the adapter.
Note: There are several console service functions (65+21) that might be needed to recover or debug an Operations Console problem depending on the problem, connectivity used for the current console, the target console type, and the current state of the system. If you are unsure of any function or recovery action contact your service provider for assistance.
Related reference
Using the console service functions (65+21)