The line continuation rules for SQL statements are the same as those for other COBOL statements, except that EXEC SQL must be specified within one line.
If you continue a string constant from one line to the next, the first nonblank character in the next line must be either an apostrophe or a quotation mark. If you continue a delimited identifier from one line to the next, the first nonblank character in the next line must be either an apostrophe or a quotation mark.
Constants containing DBCS data can be continued across multiple lines by placing the shift-in character in column 72 of the continued line and the shift-out after the first string delimiter of the continuation line.
This SQL statement has a valid graphic constant of G'<AABBCCDDEEFFGGHHIIJJKK>'. The redundant shifts are removed.
*...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 EXEC SQL SELECT * FROM GRAPHTAB WHERE GRAPHCOL = G'<AABB> - '<CCDDEEFFGGHHIIJJKK>' END-EXEC.