Character host variables in COBOL applications that use SQL

There are two valid forms of character host variables.

Fixed-length character strings

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   +-77------+                 '-PIC-----'   

                           |          .-IS-.            |   
                           | .-USAGE--+----+-.          |   

>--+--------------------------------+-- . ---------------------><
   |        .-IS-.                  |        

  1. The picture string associated with these forms must be X(m) (or XXX...X, with m instance of X) with 1 ≤ m ≤ 32 766.
  2. level-1 indicates a COBOL level between 2 and 48.

Varying-length character strings

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>>-+-01------+--variable-name-- . ------------------------------>



>--+---------------------------------+-- . --------------------->
   |        .-IS-.                   |        


   |          .-IS-.            |   
   | .-USAGE--+----+-.          |   

>--+--------------------------------+-- . ---------------------><
   |        .-IS-.                  |        

  1. The picture-string-1 associated with these forms must be S9(m) or S9...9 with m instances of 9. m must be from 1 to 4.

    Note that the database manager will use the full size of the S9(m) variable even though COBOL on the iSeries™ only recognizes values up to the specified precision. This can cause data truncation errors when COBOL statements are being run and may effectively limit the maximum length of variable-length character strings to the specified precision.

  2. The picture-string-2 associated with these forms must be either X(m), or XX...X, with m instances of X, and with 1 ≤ m ≤ 32 740.
  3. var-1 and var-2 cannot be used as host variables.
  4. level-1 indicates a COBOL level between 2 and 48.