There are three valid forms for graphic host variables.
- Single-graphic form
- NUL-terminated graphic form
- VARGRAPHIC structured form
Single-graphic form

+-auto---+ +-const----+
+-extern-+ '-volatile-'
V |
>----variable-name--+-----------------+-+-- ; -----------------><
'- = --expression-'
NUL-Terminated graphic form

+-auto---+ +-const----+
+-extern-+ '-volatile-'
V |
>----variable-name--[--length--]--+-----------------+-+-- ; ---><
'- = --expression-'
Notes: - length must be an integer constant that is greater than 1 and not
greater than 16371.
- If the *CNULRQD option is specified on the CRTSQLCI or CRTSQLCPPI command,
then input host variables must contain the graphic NUL-terminator (/0/0).
Output host variables are padded with DBCS blanks, and the last character
is the graphic NUL-terminator. If the output host variable is too small to
contain both the data and the NUL-terminator, the following actions are taken:
- The data is truncated
- The last character is the graphic NUL-terminator
- SQLWARN1 is set to 'W'
If the *NOCNULRQD option is specified on the
the input host variables do not need to contain the graphic NUL-terminator.
The following is true for output host variables.
- If the host variable is large enough to contain the data and the graphic
NUL-terminator, the following actions are taken:
- The data is returned, but is not padded with DBCS blanks
- The graphic NUL-terminator immediately follows the data
- If the host variable is large enough to contain the data but not the graphic
NUL-terminator, the following actions are taken:
- The data is returned
- A graphic NUL-terminator is not returned
- SQLWARN1 is set to 'N'
- If the host variable is not large enough to contain the data, the following
actions are taken:
- The data is truncated
- A graphic NUL-terminator is not returned
- SQLWARN1 is set to 'W'
VARGRAPHIC structured form

+-auto---+ +-const----+
+-extern-+ '-volatile-'
>--+---------+--struct--+-----+-- { ---------------------------->
'-_Packed-' '-tag-'
>--+--------+--short--+-----+--var-1-- ; ----------------------->
>--wchar_t--var-2--[--length--]-- ; -- } ----------------------->
V |
'-=--{--expression ,--expression--}-'
Notes: - length must be an integer constant that is greater than 0 and not
greater than 16370.
- var-1 and var-2 must be simple variable references and cannot
be used as host variables.
- The struct tag can be used to define other data areas, but these cannot
be used as host variables.
- _Packed must not be used in C++. Instead, specify #pragma pack(1) prior
to the declaration and #pragma pack() after the declaration.
#pragma pack(1)
struct VARGRAPH {
short len;
wchar_t s[10];
} vstring;
#pragma pack()
/* valid declaration of host variable graphic string */
struct VARGRAPH {
short len;
wchar_t s[10];
} vstring;
/* invalid declaration of host variable wstring */
struct VARGRAPH wstring;