Start a Telnet client session

Use this topic to start a 5250 Telnet client session.

Note: You should know the name or Internet address of the remote system with which you want to start the Telnet session. To display the Internet addresses and host names, complete the following steps:
  1. Start iSeries™ Navigator and expand your iSeries server > Network.
  2. Right-click TCP/IP Configuration and click Host Table to display the Internet addresses and host names.
  1. Type the STRTCPTELN command, or type TELNET at the iSeries command line and press Enter.
  2. Type the name of the remote system, if you want to use optional parameters, press F10. Otherwise, press Enter.

    If you typed *INTNETADR for the Remote system field, the server prompts you for the Internet address field.

  3. Type the Internet address of the remote system; if you want to use optional parameters, press F10. Otherwise, press Enter. The display shows optional parameter values and the Internet address information.
  4. To use the default parameter values, press Enter.
  5. When starting a 5250 full-screen mode session, the following optional parameters are also applicable:
    • Timeout wait for host (INZWAIT)
    • Keyboard language type (KBDTYPE)
    • Port number of the remote host server application (PORT)
    • Remote Virtual Display (RMTVRTDSP)
    • Remote User (RMTUSER)
    • Remote password (RMTPWD)
    • Remote password encryption (RMTPWDENC)
    • Remote initial program (RMTINLPGM)
    • Remote initial menu (RMTINLMNU)
    • Remote Current® library (RMTCURLIB)
    • Remote Keyboard Type (RMTKBDTYPE)
    • Remote character set (RMTCHRSET)
    • Remote code page (RMTCODPAG)

The next display is the signon display for the remote system.

  1. The signon panel will be displayed only if none of the Autosignon parameters are entered on the STRTCPTELN command (RMTUSER, RMTPWD, RMTPWDENC) or if there was an error when these parameters were entered. If these values are entered correctly, no signon panel is displayed. The user is automatically signed on, and whatever initial panel was defined for the user is displayed.
  2. In addition, the following condition is also true:
    • If the STRTCPTELN command provides the correct RMTUSER, RMTPWD, and RMTPWDENC parameters, and a correct RMTINLPGM parameter is also provided, then the user will be signed on. Also, the provided initial program will run.
    • However, if an invalid RMTINLPGM is provided, the user will be signed on, but a job ended abnormally message is displayed. The same actions are true for the RMTINLMNU parameter.
  3. For the RMTCURLIB parameter, a correct value results in the user being signed on. Also, any initial program or menu, or both, as defined either in the users profile or on the STRTCPTELN command, runs. In addition the current library is set to the parameter value. If an invalid RMTCURLIB parameter value is provided, then a signon panel is displayed with a message stating that the current library value is invalid.
  4. Also, for all of the above items, if the RMTKBDTYPE or RMTCHRSET or RMTCODPAG parameters are provided with valid values, they will have taken effect for the successful automatic signon attempts. They will not take effect for the invalid signon attempts.
Note: If the system does not find or configure a SOCKS server, or if errors occur using the SOCKS server, then a direct connection is established.

TN5250 screen size

Telnet 5250 full-screen mode supports the following screen sizes:

Related reference
Control Telnet server functions from the client
Establish a cascaded Telnet session