Automatically configure virtual devices

You can configure your Telnet server to automatically create virtual devices as needed up to a set maximum.

You can enable the Telnet server to automatically configure your virtual devices and controllers using the QAUTOVRT Devices System Values in iSeries™ Navigator. You can specify the number of devices that are automatically started and you can specify the maximum number of devices that the iSeries server automatically configures. The iSeries server configures or creates one device at a time, as needed, up to a specified limit.

When automatically configuring virtual devices with Telnet, the Telnet server does not delete virtual devices and does not delete the devices when the session closes. The server does not delete the devices even if the number of devices attached to the virtual controllers exceeds the maximum number. If the devices already exist on the virtual controller, the Telnet server can use them. Telnet server will modify the attributes of an existing device to match the client request if that virtual device is requested by name.

If you have never allowed automatic configuration of virtual devices on your server, the Devices System Value Maximum number of devices value is 0. A Telnet connection attempt will fail when the number of devices in use exceeds the Maximum number of devices. A device in use has the status ACTIVE or SIGNON DISPLAY. If you try to sign on, you receive a message (TCP2504) indicating that the Telnet client session has ended and the connection is closed. In addition, the QTCPIP job in the remote iSeries server sends a message (CPF8940) indicating that a virtual device cannot be automatically selected.

If you change the Maximum number of devices to 10, the next Telnet connection attempt causes the Telnet server to create a virtual device. Telnet creates this virtual device because the number of virtual devices on the controller (0) is less than the number specified in the Maximum number of devices(10). Even if you change the specified number to 0 again, the next user attempting a Telnet connection succeeds. When a Telnet connection attempt fails because the iSeries server is not able to create a virtual device, the CPF87D7 message is sent to the system operator message queue on the Telnet server.

  1. The Telnet server does not automatically delete configured virtual devices or named devices, even if the number of devices attached to the virtual controllers exceeds the Maximum number of devices.
  2. The Devices system values specify whether pass-through virtual devices and Telnet full screen virtual devices that are attached to the QPACTLnn controllers are automatically configured. This system value does not affect devices attached to the QVIRCDnnnn controllers, because these are not default system devices. Typically, QPADEVnnnn devices are attached to QPACTLnn controllers while named devices, such as NEWYORK001, are attached to the QVIRCDnnnn controller.

For instructions to set this value in iSeries Navigator, refer to Set the number of virtual devices.

Related concepts
Control Telnet access
Related reference
QAUTOVRT Devices System Values