Field descriptions
- Indicates whether an object was saved while updates to the object may
have occurred. The possible values are:
- 0
- No updates occurred to the object while the object was being saved.
- 1
- The object was saved with the SAVACTOPT(*ALWCKPWRT) parameter and the
corresponding system attribute for the object was set. Updates to the object
may have occurred while the object was being saved. See Using additional save-while-active
options (SAVACTOPT) for more information.
- ASP after restore operation
- The auxiliary storage pool (ASP) of the object link when it was restored.
The possible values are:
- 1
- System ASP
- 2–32
- Basic user ASPs
- 33–255
- Independent ASPs
- ASP device name after restore operation
- The auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device name of the object link when it
was restored. Possible values are:
- System and basic auxiliary storage pools
- device name
- Name of the independent auxiliary storage pool
- ASP at time of save operation
- The auxiliary storage pool (ASP) of the object link when it was saved.
Possible values are:
- 1
- System ASP
- 2–32
- Basic user ASPs
- 33–255
- Independent ASPs
- ASP device name at time of save operation
- The auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device name of the object link when it
was saved. The possible values are:
- System and basic auxiliary storage pools
- device name
- Name of the independent auxiliary storage pool
- Command
- The command that was used when the operation was performed.
The possible
values are:
- Save operation
- Restore operation
- Complete data
- Indicates whether all of the data for the save or restore operation was
in fact saved or restored. This trailer data element can inform you as the
completeness of the system description contained in the rest of the output
generated by the operation.
The possible values are:
- 0
- The data is not complete. One or more directory information or object
link information entries were not written to the user space or byte stream
file. This can occur when a user space object link is used and more than 16MB
of information about the save or restore operation is generated.
This situation occurs only when the save or restore operation processes a
very large number of object links. If this situation occurs, you should consider
using a stream file to store your output information.
- 1
- The data is complete. All of the information about the save or restore
operation is contained in the output.
- CCSID of data
- The CCSID of the data that is stored in this output.
- Data compacted
- Indicates whether the data was stored in compacted format.
The possible
values are:
- '0'
- The data is not compacted.
- '1'
- The data is compacted.
- Data compressed
- Indicates whether the data was stored in compressed format.
The possible
values are:
- '0'
- The data is not compressed.
- '1'
- The data is compressed.
Device name
The name of a device used to perform the save or restore operation. The
filed contains either the name of a device, the name of a media definition
or the name of a save file that was used to perform the operation. The length
of the name is defined by Device name length and the CCSID is defined by the
CCSID of data field.
Device name length
The length of the Device name field.
Device name offset
The offset to the field.
- Directory identifier
- The name of the directory that the object was saved from or where the
object was restored.
- Directory identifier length
- The length of the Directory identifier field.
- Directory identifier offset
- The offset to the Directory identifier length field.
- End change date
- The value that was specified for the end change date when the save operation
was performed.
The possible values are:
- *ALL
- No end change date was specified.
- end date
- The end change date that was specified on the save operation. The date
is in YYMMDD format, is left justified, and is padded with blanks.
- End change time
- The value that was specified for the end change time when the save operation
was performed.
The possible values are:
- *ALL
- No end change time was specified
- end time
- The end change time that was specified on the save operation. The time
is in HHMMSS format, is left justified, and is padded with blanks.
- Entry length
- The length of this list entry.
- Entry type
- Indicates the type of data that is contained in this list entry.
possible values are:
- 1
- This list entry contains command level information. Use the command information
format to map out the data for this list entry.
- 2
- This list entry contains directory-level information. Use the directory
information format to map out the data for this list entry.
- 3
- This list entry contains link level information. Use the object link information
format to map out the data for this list entry.
- 4
- This list entry contains trailer information. Use the trailer information
format to map out the data for this list entry.
- Expiration date
- The expiration date of the media.
The possible values are:
- The data is permanent.
- expiration date
- The expiration date that was specified on the save operation. The date
is in YYMMDD format, is left justified, and is padded with blanks.
- File label
- The file label of the media file the save or restore operation is using.
For a save or restore that uses a save file, this field is blank.
- File label length
- The length of the File label field.
- File label offset
- The offset to the File label length field.
- Information type
- Shows you the type of information that was saved with this operation.
(INFTYPE parameter on SAV command).
The possible values are:
- '1'
- Summary information and information about each object link that was processed
was saved (*ALL).
- '2'
- Summary information and information about object links that were not successfully
saved or restored was saved (*ERR).
- '3'
- Only summary information was saved (*SUMMARY).
- In mounted UDFS
- Shows whether the object was in a mounted user-defined file system (UDFS)
during the save operation.
The possible values are:
- '0'
- The object was not in a mounted UDFS during the save operation.
- '1'
- The object was in a mounted UDFS during the save operation.
- Journal information required for recovery offset
- The offset to the Journal information required for recovery — path
name length field. This field will be 0 for objects that were not journaled
at the time of the save.
- Journal information required for recovery - path name
- The path name of the journal required to recover the object. The object
must be journaled by this journal before an Apply Journaled Changes (APYJRNCHG)
can successfully restore the object.
- Journal information required for recovery - path name length
- The length of the Journal information required for recovery — path
name field.
- Journal receiver information required for recovery offset
- The offset to the Journal receiver information required for recovery
— ASP device name field. This field will be 0 for objects that were not
journaled at the time of the save.
- Journal receiver information required for recovery - ASP device name
- The name of the disk pool device that contains the library containing
the journal receiver required to recover the object.
- Journal receiver information required for recovery - path name
- The path name of the first journal receiver in the journal receiver chain
needed to recover the object. The object must be journaled to this journal
receiver before an Apply Journaled Changes (APYJRNCHG) can successfully restore
the object.
- Journal receiver information required for recovery - path name length
- The length of the Journal receiver information required for recovery
— path name field.
Media file device name
The name of a device used to perform the save or restore operation. The
field contains either the name of a device or the name of a save file that
was used to perform the operation. The length of the name is defined by Media
file device name length and the CCSID is defined by the CCSID of data
Media file device name length 
The length of the Media file device name field.
Media file device name offset 
The offset to the first Media file device name field for this media
Media file length 
The length of the Media file field.
Media file offset 
The offset to the first Media file field.
Media file sequence number 
The sequence number of the media file. The value will be 0 if the Media
file device name is not a tape device. 
Media file volume identifier
The name of a volume used during the save or restore operation. The length
of the name is defined by Media file volume identifier length and the CCSID
is defined by the CCSID of data field.
Media file volume identifier length
The length of the Volume identifier field.
Media file volume identifier offset 
The offset to the first Media file volume identifier field for this media
- Number of device names
- The number of Device name fields.
Number of directory levels created by restore
When the parent directory of an object being restored does not exist and
CRTPRNDIR(*YES) is specified, the restore will create the parent directory.
This field will indicate the number of levels of the parent directory that
the restore created. For example, if ‘/a/b/c/stmf’ is restored and ‘/a/b’
does not exist, the restore will create ‘/a/b’ and ‘/a/b/c’ and the Number
of directory levels created by restore field will be 2.
Number of media files device names
The number of Media file device names contained in this media file.
Number of media volume identifiers
The number of Media file volume identifiers contained in this media file.
Number of media files
The number of Media files processed during the save or restore operation.
- Number of object links processed successfully in directory
- The number of object links that were successfully saved or restored for
this directory.
- Number of object links processed unsuccessfully in directory
- The number of object links that were not saved nor restored for this directory.
- Number of object links processed successfully
- The total number of object links successfully saved or restored for the
entire save or restore operation.
- Number of object links processed unsuccessfully
- The total number of object links saved nor restored for the entire save
or restore operation.
- Number of records
- A number interpreted for a given value as follows:
- n
- The number of records saved or restored because a *SAVF device or save
file was included among the devices or files saved or restored.
- 0
- The number of records saved or restored because a *SAVF device or save
file was not included among the devices or files saved or restored.
- Number of volume identifiers
- The number of volumes used during the save or restore operation.
- Object link data
- The number of Volume identifiers contained in this media file. If a
media definition was specified for the DEV parameter, this field will be set
to 0.
- Object link error message ID
- The message ID of an error message that was issued for this link.
- Object link error message replacement identifier
- The error message replacement identifier from the link error message.
- Object link error message replacement identifier length
- The length of the Object link error message replacement identifier.
- Object link error message replacement identifier offset
- The offset to the Object link error message replacement identifier
length field.
- Object link identifier after restore operation
- The name of the object link after it was restored.
- Object link identifier after restore operation length
- The length of the Object link identifier after restore operation field.
- Object link identifier after restore operation offset
- The offset to the Object link identifier after restore operation length field.
- Object link identifier
- For a save operation, the name of the object link that was saved. For
a restore operation, the qualified object link name that was saved (including
the directory and object link identifier).
- Object link identifier length
- The length of the Object link identifier field.
- Object link identifier offset
- The offset of the Object link identifier length field.
- Object link owner after restore
- The name of the object link owner's user profile when the object link
was restored.
- Object link owner at time of save
- The name of the object link owner's user profile when the object link
was saved.
- Object link security message
- Indicates whether a security message was issued for this object link during
a restore operation.
The possible values are:
- '0'
- No security messages were issued.
- '1'
- One or more security messages were issued.
- Object link size
- The size of the object link in units of the size multiplier. The true
object link size is equal to or smaller than the object link size multiplied
by the object link size multiplier.
- Object link size multiplier
- The value to multiply the object link size by to get the true size. The
value is 1 if the object link is smaller than 1 000 000 000 bytes, 1024 if
it is between 1 000 000 000 and 4 294 967 295 bytes (inclusive). The value
is 4096 if the object link is larger than 4 294 967 295 bytes.
- Object link status
- Indicates whether the object link was successfully processed.
The possible
values are:
- '0'
- The object link was not successfully saved or restored.
- '1'
- The object link was successfully saved or restored.
- Object link text
- The text description of the object link.
- Object link type
- The type of the object link.
- Restore date/time
- The time at which the object links were restored in system timestamp format.
See the Convert Date and Time Format (QWCCVTDT) API for information on converting
this timestamp.
- Restore system serial number
- The serial number of the server on which the restore operation was performed.
- Restore release level
- The release level of the operating system on which the object links were
restored. This field has a VvRrMm format, containing the following:
- Vv
- The character V followed by a 1-character version number
- Rr
- The character R followed by a 1-character release number
- Mm
- The character M followed by a 1-character modification number
- Save active
- Indicates whether object links were allowed to be updated while they were
being saved.
The possible values are:
- 0
- SAVACT(*NO)—Object links were not allowed to be saved while they were
in use by another job.
- 1
- SAVACT(*YES)—Object links were allowed to be saved while they were in
use by another job. Object links in the save may have reached a checkpoint
at different times and may not be in a consistent state in relationship to
each other.
- -1
- SAVACT(*SYNC)—Object links were allowed to be saved while they were in
use by another job. All of the object links and all of the directories in
the save operation reached a checkpoint together and were saved in a consistent
state in relationship to each other.
- Save active date/time
- The time at which the object link was saved while active in system timestamp
format. See the Convert Date and Time Format (QWCCVTDT) API for information
on converting this timestamp.
- Save active option
- Indicates which options were used with save-while-active. The possible
values are:
- SAVACTOPT(*NONE) was specified. No special save-while-active options were
- SAVACTOPT(*ALWCKPWRT) was specified. This enabled objects to be saved
while they were being updated if the corresponding system attribute was set.
Refer to Using additional save-while-active options (SAVACTOPT) for more information.
- Save date/time
- The time at which the object links were saved in system timestamp format.
See the Convert Date and Time Format (QWCCVTDT) API for information on converting
this timestamp.
- Save release level
- The release level of the operating system on which the object links were
saved. This field has a VvRrMm format, containing the following:
- Vv
- The character V is followed by a 1-character version number.
- Rr
- The character R is followed by a 1-character release number.
- Mm
- The character M is followed by a 1-character modification number.
- Save server serial number
- The serial number of the server on which the save operation was performed.
- Sequence number
- The sequence number of the file on media. The value will be 0 if the
save media is not tape. If tape device was not specified for the DEV parameter,
this field will be set to 0.
- Start change date
- The value that was specified for the start change date when the save operation
was performed.
The possible values are:
- The save includes object links that have changed since the last time they
were saved with UPDHST(*YES) specified on the save operation.
- *ALL
- No start change date was specified.
- Start date
- The start change date that was specified on the save operation. The date
is in YYMMDD format, is left justified, and is padded with blanks.
- Start change time
- The value that was specified for the start change time when the save operation
was performed.
The possible values are:
- *ALL
- No start change time was specified.
- Start time
- The start change time that was specified on the save operation. The time
is in HHMMSS format, is left justified, and is padded with blanks.
- Starting volume identifier
- For an object link, the name of the first volume, on which this object
link was saved.
- For a directory, the name of the
first volume, on which this directory was saved. Saved content can be saved
across several volumes.
- Starting volume identifier length
- For either the starting volume of a directory or
an object link, the length of the Starting volume identifier.
- Starting volume identifier offset
- The offset to the Starting volume identifier length.
- Target Release level
- The earliest release level of the operating system on which the object
links can be restored. This field has a VvRrMm format, containing the
- Vv
- The character V is followed by a one-character version number.
- Rr
- The character R is followed by a 1-character release number.
- Mm
- The character M is followed by a 1-character modification number.
- Volume identifier
- The name of a volume used during the save or restore operation. The
length of the name is defined by Volume identifier length and the CCSID
is defined by the CCSID of data field. If a tape drive was not specified
for the DEV parameter, this field will be set to 0.
- Volume identifier length
- The length of the Volume identifier field.
- Volume identifier offset
- The offset to the start of the Volume identifier length field.