If the save-while-active operation is run at a time when users are updating document library objects (DLO), the save-while-active process may affect these users. When users are changing document library objects, they may notice a delay if the save-while-active operation is performing checkpoint processing for the document library objects.
For example, an application may be editing a document while a save-while-active operation is running. It is possible that the application could attempt to update the document when the save-while-active operation is performing checkpoint processing on that document. If that happens, the application will probably wait until checkpoint processing completes before it can make the update. If the save-while-active job is running at low priority, or on a busy server, the application may wait for an extended time.
If the save-while-active operation does not complete checkpoint processing for the document library objects within 30 minutes, the user function ends abnormally. The abnormal end of the user function indicates there is a problem. The system administrator should determine why the save-while-active process is taking an excessive amount of time for the document library objects to reach a checkpoint. Then, the system administrator should take the appropriate action to correct the problem. This may require contacting your service representative.