Save an unmounted UDFS

In most cases, you should unmount any user-defined file systems before you perform a save or restore operation. Use the DSPUDFS command to determine if you mounted a UDFS or if you unmounted a UDFS.

The server saves objects from an unmounted UDFS if you specify the *BLKSF for the UDFS which is contained in an ASP or independent ASP (/dev/qaspxx). The server saves information about the UDFS (for example, the ASP number, authority, and case sensitivity).

To save an unmounted UDFS, specify:
SAV OBJ(('/dev/QASP02/udfs_name.udfs'))

Restrictions when you save an unmounted UDFS

  1. You cannot specify individual objects from UDFSs for the object (OBJ) parameter on a SAV command.
  2. You cannot view or work with objects in an unmounted UDFS. Therefore, you cannot determine the amount of storage or time that the server requires for the save operation after you unmount the UDFS.
  3. SUBTREE(*ALL) is required.