The method that you use to back up your server depends upon your backup strategy. If you do not have a strategy, review the information in Planning a backup and recovery strategy. After reviewing the information, determine how you should save your data.
If you choose a simple strategy you can use the GO SAVE command to back up your server. The Save menu options of the GO SAVE command provide an easy method to back up your server. These Save menu options include option 21 to save your entire server, option 22 to save your system data, and option 23 to save your user data. Each of these options requires that your server be in a restricted state. This means that no users can access your server, and the backup is the only thing that is running on your server.
Use the GO SAVE command, menu option 21, to save your entire server. Then you can use the other GO SAVE command menu options to save the parts of your server that change regularly. In addition, you can use a variety of other save commands to save individual parts of your server.
If you choose a simple save strategy, review Save commands and menu options to see what parts of your server GO SAVE command, menu options 21, 22, or 23 save. Then skip to the topic, Prepare your media to save your server.
To help you get started with a medium or complex strategy follow these steps:
If you do not have time to do a full save, you can save your server while it is active. However, you must have a complete backup of your entire server (which requires a restricted state) before you use these advanced functions.
The method that you use to back up your server depends upon your backup strategy. If you do not have a strategy, review the information in Planning a backup and recovery strategy. After reviewing the information, determine how you should save your data.