Server timeout considerations

You can keep your connection from timing out.

The inactivity time-out value requires some consideration. This is the time in seconds without File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server activity that will cause the server to close the session. Certain remote servers allow the client to change this value. For example, iSeries™ supports the FTP server TIME subcommand, which can be sent to the server with the FTP client QUOTE subcommand, as described in QUOTE (Send a Subcommand to an FTP Server). UNIX® servers often support the SITE IDLE subcommand.

When using local iSeries subcommands with either the SYSCMD subcommand or F21, there is no interaction between the client and the server. Therefore, if the running of these local iSeries commands exceeds the server inactivity time-out period, the server will close the connection. If you lose your connection, you must log on to the server again using the OPEN command (OPEN <remote system name>) and the USER command as described in the note to Logon to the Remote System (Server).

Related reference
QUOTE (Send a Subcommand to an FTP Server)