This example illustrates using data transformation APIs.
/*******************************************************************/ /* Sample Data Transform Program using cwbDT_Bin4ToBin4 to reverse */ /* the order of bytes in a 4-byte integer. */ /*******************************************************************/ #include <iostream.h> #include "cwbdt.h" void main() { unsigned int returnCode; long source, target; cout << "Enter source number:\n"; while (cin >> source) { cout << "Source in Dec = " << dec << source; cout << "\nSource in Hex = " << hex << source << '\n'; if (((returnCode = cwbDT_Bin4ToBin4((char *)&target,(char *)&source)) == CWB_OK)) { cout << "Target in Dec = " << dec << target; cout << "\nTarget in Hex = " << hex << target << '\n'; } else { cout << "Conversion failed, Return code = " << returnCode << '\n' ; }; /* endif */ cout << "\nEnter source number:\n"; }; /* endwhile */ }