Retrieves the message text from an error
handle. This API should only be called when CWBSO_ERROR_OCCURRED is the return
value from a call to another API. In this case there is an error message
associated with the error handle.
unsigned int CWB_ENTRY CWBSO_GetErrMsgText(
CWBSO_ERR_HANDLE errorHandle ,
char far* lpszMsgBuffer ,
unsigned long ulBufferLength,
unsigned long far* lpulBytesNeeded);
- CWBSO_ERR_HANDLE errorHandle - input
- A handle to an error object. If an error occurs that there is error text
for, this handle may be used to retreive the error message and message help.
- char far* lpszMsgBuffer - output
- A long pointer to the output buffer where the message text will be placed.
The message text that is returned by this API will be translated text. The
output buffer is not changed when the return code is not set to CWBSO_NO_ERROR.
- unsigned long ulBufferLength - input
- The size, in bytes, of the output buffer argument.
- unsigned long far* lpulBytesNeeded - output
- A long pointer to an unsigned long that will be set to the number of bytes
needed to place the entire message text in the output buffer. When this value
is less than or equal to the size of output buffer that is specified, the
entire message text is placed in the output buffer. When this value is greater
than the size of output buffer that is specified, the output buffer contains
a null string. The output buffer is not changed beyond the bytes that are
needed for the message text. This value is set to zero when the return code
is not set to CWBSO_NO_ERROR.
Return Codes
The following list shows common return
- No error occurred.
- The error handle that is specified is not valid.
- The error handle that is specified contains no error message.
- The error message text could not be retrieved.
CWBSO_CreateErrorHandle must
be called prior to calling this API. The error handle that is returned by CWBSO_CreateErrorHandle must
be passed as input to this API. For errors which occurred on the iSeries™ server,
the message text will be in the language that is specified for the user's
execution environment. All other message text will be in the language that
is specified in the Windows® Control Panel on the user's
personal computer.