

Convert strings by using a previously opened converter.


unsigned int CWB_ENTRY cwbNL_Convert(
                             cwbNL_Converter theConverter,
                             unsigned long   sourceLength,
                             unsigned long   targetLength,
                             char           *sourceBuffer,
                             char           *targetBuffer,
                             unsigned long  *numberOfErrors,
                             unsigned long  *firstErrorIndex,
                             unsigned long  *requiredLen,
                             cwbSV_ErrHandle errorHandle);


cwbNL_Converter theConverter - output
Handle to the previously opened converter.
unsigned long sourceLength - input
Length of the source buffer.
unsigned long targetLength - input
Length of the target buffer. If converting from an ASCII code page that contains DBCS characters, note that the resulting data could contain shift-out and shift-in bytes. Therefore, the targetBuffer may need to be larger than the sourceBuffer.
char *sourceBuffer - input
Buffer containing the data to convert.
char *targetBuffer - output
Buffer to contain the converted data.
unsigned long *numberOfErrors - output
Contains the number of characters that could not be converted properly.
unsigned long *firstErrorIndex - output
Contains the offset of the first character in the source buffer that could not be converted properly.
unsigned long *requiredLen - output
Actual length of the result. If requiredLen > resultLen, the return value will be CWB_BUFFER_OVERFLOW.
cwbSV_ErrHandle errorHandle - output
Handle to an error object. Any returned messages will be written to this object. It is created with the cwbSV_CreateErrHandle API. The messages may be retrieved with the cwbSV_GetErrText API. If the parameter is set to zero, no messages will be retrievable.

Return Codes

The following list shows common return values.

Successful completion.
Invalid handle.
NULL passed on output parameter.
Insufficient memory.
Output buffer too small, data truncated.

