Get the version and release level of the host.
UINT CWB_ENTRY cwbCO_GetHostVersionEx( cwbCO_SysHandle system, PULONG version, PULONG release);
The following list shows common return values:
The host version is retrieved and saved whenever a connection is made to the iSeries system. If no connection has been made yet to this iSeries system in the currently-active environment, this information will not be available, and the error code CWB_NOT_CONNECTED will be returned. If you know that a connection to the iSeries system recently was made successfully, it is likely that the version and release levels returned are current. If you want to make sure that the values are available and recently have been retrieved, call cwbCO_Signon or cwbCO_Connect for this system object first, then call cwbCO_GetHostVersionEx.