Remove iSeries Access for Windows from the iSeries server

To save disk space or to remove features that you no longer use, you can decide to delete features from the iSeries™ server. Use this information to step you through the removal of iSeries Access for Windows®.

  1. Sign on to the iSeries server with a user ID that has security officer (*SECOFR) authority.
  2. Type DLTLICPGM at the iSeries command prompt. Specify the following parameters and values, and use the defaults for the other parameters.
    Parameter Value
    Product 5722XE1
    Language for licensed program The default value for this field is *ALL. If you want to remove a specific language, type xxxx, where xxxx is the national language version (NLV) identifier.
Note: Any optional programs for iSeries Access for Windows that you installed, will need to be uninstalled separately.